• The Environmental Problem… ” Who Is Responsible? “

    Miracle encounters

    by Tony C.

    When I look at the state of the World today and the condition of our natural environment, I cannot help but feel an overwhelming sense of urgency to enact some dramatic and positive change for the planet. We see and feel the effects of pollution, global climate change and all the ways that the Human species has changed the environment in which we seem to exist. It looks like the result of our wars, our greed and the industrial appetite to swallow up the natural resources at an alarming rate is the cause of all this destruction, but who is really responsible. Where does the reversal of this pattern begin?

    In over twenty years of spiritual teaching and study, the one truth that changed me at the deepest level is the Idea which says: ” I am responsible for what I see, I choose the feelings I would experience, and EVERYTHING that seems to happen to me I have asked for and receive as I have asked.”

    So without exception, the only place I can look for to make any change in the world is me. It starts and ends there. It is within my own heart and mind where will I find the answers to each and every question I have, about myself and the world.

         The next truth I discovered is that the world I see is only a projection of how I see myself, it is an outward picture of an inward condition. Albert Einstein said, “The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking”. That was the key I was looking for to unlock the secret of our evolution as a species. If we change how we view ourselves at the most profound level, then the world will change. Not only is this true in the sense of cause and effect; but at the most basic level of existence, it is a fundamental law of nature. Let me explain what I mean.


    “So without exception, the only place I can look for to make any change in the world is me. It starts and ends there. It is within my own heart and mind where will I find the answers to each and every question I have, about myself and the world”.


          If we view the Universe and our planet as perfect, part of a perfect harmony of energy and communication, guided by a single divine force, we can also accept the fact that we too are divine in nature, and part of the ultimate harmony of the Universe. It would make perfect sense then, that in order to heal your planet you must first accept healing for yourself. To allow the change necessary for the healing of the planet to happen first inside of you! At this point you will joyfully discover the third truth I have come to realize in my own healing. And that is, When I am healed, the world is healed along with me.

         The facts according to Quantum Science is that cause and effect are never separate and nothing appears in your outer world until you observe it.

    This means you are literally responsible for this world every moment. Of course this is where science and spirituality have finally come to a miraculous meeting of the minds. No longer can we hide from the fact that to live in compassion and love is the whole entire answer to every problem we face on the planet. However, it is now clear that you as an individual know what to do to bring about this change. It does not matter what tools you use to help change your thinking. The only important thing is that you realize it has to happen now. The evolution of consciousness is inevitable and in fact happening already. It is a fact,  much like the change of perception from the world being flat to a sphere, or the sun revolving around the earth instead of the other way around. The change in perception I can offer you today is that the separation you perceive is not there. Everything is One and you are Everything. This is a fact, not just a spiritual philosophy, but a fact of science. And now is the time for you to take responsibility for the world you see, give up your attack thoughts and extend the peace of your heart throughout the world. As our friend Albert would suggest, change your thinking and look out upon a changed world.


    “The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking”.

                                                  Albert Einstein


          Indeed there will come a time for all Humanity where no trace of war or hatred can be found upon this earth. There will and did come a time when we have no guns, no hungry souls, no pollution and no need to fight over what God has freely given to all. Yes there will come a time when we live in harmony with nature and our fellow beings, when not one is forgotten and the joy of life is felt in every heart. Could that time be now?  It all depends on you. The transformation of the planet does indeed begin with you.

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